Weekend update

Friday I had a bit of a day off, I ate some junk, drank some beer, and didn’t do much exercise.

Saturday I ate well, but didn’t do much activity.

Sunday I ate well, and did loads of activity, bike ride, run, footy with the kids. And I feel good.

One thing from my day off on Friday, I had had my eye on some crisps (well known brand) for a while. I had a pack in a sandwich for dinner. They totally burnt my mouth! I could not believe how strong the flavouring was (prawn cocktail). I didn’t taste anything else I ate for the rest of that day – shocking.

Currently I have no interest in eating rubbish, partly due to ‘the spreadsheet’, but also I hope partly to do with the shocking effect of those crisps.

The delicate flavours of natural foods have no chance once your taste buds have been numbed by this processed stuff.

On the spreadsheet I got up to 70 quid ahead, then Fri and Sat happened. After Sunday its down to 30 quid, looks like I’ll have to delay the rewards I was planning.

Weightwise things havent changed much, but I am sure they will, as even Friday, my worst day for a week or 2 was nothing like the gorging of the run up to Christmas.

I had hoped to get down to 87 kg ( 192 lbs, 13 stone 10 lbs) last Friday, that is now my target for this coming Friday.

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